Common Knowledge handbook

We're Common Knowledge, a worker co-op. We use technology to help movements build power, and organise non-hierarchically and as openly as we can.

This is our handbook. We're slowly migrating our docs from Notion. Here is a summary of the contents.

Technical details

This uses Honkit to build the handbook.

The index file is auto-generated based on the folder structure of the repo. This functionality is configured in book.json, and relies on a plugin to work - visit the plugin homepage to read the docs on how to name files and folders.

Local development

  1. Check out the repository
  2. Run npm install when inside the repository directory
  3. Run npm run spellcheck-fix. This should allow you to walk through spelling errors and make corrections
  4. Run npm run build before you commit changes - this will rebuild to incorporate any changes you make to (a) filenames (b) folder names and (c) the relative locations of files and folders.

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